A lecture at Common Sense Society–Hungary
On Thursday, January 26, Common Sense Society–Hungary (CSS–HU) hosted members and special guests at the Az Andrássy Szalon for a lecture by acclaimed philosopher and historian of ideas, Dr. David Lloyd Dusenbury on his recent book, I Judge No One: A Political Life of Jesus.
We often hear that Jesus was a revolutionary and a political radical of his age. But do the Gospels and their interpretation actually support such a political framing of his life? How can the highly political death of this deeply spiritual figure be explained? What does it mean that Jesus was a strange figure? Why was Jesus, who said “I judge no one,” put to death for a political crime? Was the death of Jesus, who challenged the terrain of human power, political in essence?
In his lecture, Dr. Dusenbury gave a modern philosophical account of the political life of Jesus based on the earliest narratives of his life, the Gospels, and their later interpretations. With a thorough analysis, Dr. Duesnbury’s lecture showed the pivotal importance and the seriousness of revisiting the foundational texts of Christianity in order to reflect on the human condition and on some of the axioms of Western political thought in the present.

A Common Sense Society Magyarország (CSS–HU) is a nonprofit organization that promotes liberty, prosperity, and beauty through education and public discourse. The educational fellowships, curriculum resources, publications, cultural programs, community initiatives, and national campaigns of CSS–HU illuminate the enduring ideas that have transformed the course of human history for the better. CSS–HU does not receive funding from governments or political parties.