Event Recap

Dr. George A. Tilesch on Reason, Ethics and A.I.

February 17, 2023

A fireside chat at Common Sense Society–Hungary

Countries and global power blocks are competing to shape, define, and ultimately dominate the competition in the use of artificial intelligence (A.I.). How is A.I. a fundamentally different and novel technology, and how does this change the drivers and rules of the game? What strategies are taking shape in the U.S., the E.U., China, and Russia in the deployment and regulation of A.I.? What is a reasonable, ethical pathway for a technological development that fundamentally alters our experience as reasoning beings? What is the state of play, and ultimately in whose image will A.I. be shaped?

Members of Common Sense Society-Hungary and the London School of Economics Alumni Association Hungary met on Thursday, February 9 for a fireside chat with A.I. expert Dr. George A. Tilesch. The thought-provoking and wide-ranging exchange covered the opportunities and challenges A.I. represents, the current state of A.I. research and the direction it is headed as well as the fundamental effect these novel technologies have on human life in a vast array of areas, including parenting.

The discussion was be moderated by Ms. Anna Smith Lacey, Vice-President of Common Sense Society–Hungary, and Mr. Levente Nyitrai, president of the London School of Economics (LSE) Alumni Association Hungary.

This event was realized in partnership with the London School of Economics Alumni Association Hungary.

Common Sense Society–Hungary (CSS–HU) is a nonprofit organization that promotes liberty, prosperity, and beauty through education and public discourse. The educational fellowships, curriculum resources, publications, cultural programs, community initiatives, and national campaigns of CSS–HU illuminate the enduring ideas that have transformed the course of human history for the better. CSS–HU does not receive funding from governments or political parties.

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