Common Sense Society–Hungary Hosts the 2021 Class of Europa Fellows at the Károlyi Castle in Fehérvárcsurgó, Hungary
The Europa Fellowship is a six-day-long intensive seminar series that explores the foundational principles of liberty, prosperity, and beauty within the context of European culture and our shared civilization.
Intended for recent graduates, graduate students, and young professionals who have demonstrated their leadership potential, the Europa Fellowship focuses on grounding future leaders in the early stages of their academic and professional development in the ideals of responsible liberty.
CSS–HU is happy to welcome the 2021 class of Europa fellows:

Ms. Sade Adewunmi is founder and president of The Ortelian Society, a heterodox interdisciplinary think tank and publication. A graduate of Northeastern University in criminal justice, she has completed fellowships at the Discovery Institute, the Mises Institute, and the Thomistic Institute where she studied the history and theory of free markets, history of science, and theology.

Ms. Boglárka Borbély works as the personal assistant to Prof. Dr. István Stumpf, a government commissioner, former deputy prime minister, and a former justice of the Constitutional Court of Hungary. She is a member of Budapest Bar Association and a doctoral student in the Department of Constitutional Law and Political Sciences at the University of Győr.

Mr. George Byczynski is the chief advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Poland in the Parliament of the United Kingdom as well as the chief editor of British Poles Portal. He holds a B.Sc. in international politics from Brunel University and LL.M. in international law from the University of Westminster. He has also lectured at Asbiro University in London.

Mr. Ahmet Tarık Çaşkurlu is a doctoral student and a research assistant at the interdisciplinary Alliance of Civilization Institute of Ibn Haldun University in Istanbul, Turkey. He is also a recent graduate of the four-year program in the traditional Islamic sciences at İSAR Foundation, Istanbul. His research areas include political thought, military history, Ottoman modernity, and geopolitics.

Mr. Nathan Charles Ceraulo is an independent trader in stock and cryptocurrency markets. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Paris and completed an M.B.A. in market finance while working as an apprentice at BNP Paribas for two years.

Mr. Ferenc Harmati is a master’s student in political science at Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE). His main topics of interest are post-war European political thought, post-structuralism, discourse theory, political theology, and metapolitics. His most recent work, “Recent social critiques of the Left, Postmarxism and its precursors,” has been published in a volume of studies by PPKE.

Mrs. Hanna Janossy leads Palantir Technologies Inc.’s commercial business in Canada. Originally from Hungary, she is still very active in Europe, having co-founded a network to help outstanding young professionals rediscover European nations’ philosophical, spiritual, and cultural identities. Hanna holds a B.Sc. and an M.Eng. in industrial engineering from the University of Toronto, and she studied quantum physics and bioelectronics at ITK in Budapest and ETH in Zurich.

Ms. Ágnes Kárándi works at the European Parliament in the non-attached secretariat. She has worked in Budapest at the State Secretariat for E.U. Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister and the State Secretariat for E.U. Relations at the Ministry of Justice. She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University’s Department of Political Sciences and studied at the College of Europe Bruges campus.

Mr. Dávid Kosztrihán is head of unit at the Parliamentary State Secretariat of the Office of the Prime Minister and a student at the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences at the University of Public Service – Ludovika. He is a member of the National Union of Students in Hungary, where he is responsible for international affairs, most importantly for leading the V4+ Student Alliance in the European Students’ Union.

Mr. Balázs Kovács is the co-founder of the Hungarian College for Advanced Studies in Bratislava, an institution dedicated to fostering talented university students through interdisciplinary lectures and courses. A graduate in history from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary, he recently started to pursue an M.A. in international relations at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Mr. Benjamin Loughnane is the research fellow for migration at the Bow Group, the world’s oldest conservative think-tank. He studied theology at Trinity College Dublin and St. Mary’s University, and holds an M.Phil. in the subject. He is a regular contributor in the U.K. media on a range of subjects including immigration, the culture wars, and U.K. politics.

Dr. Michał Mazur is medical doctor who graduated from Cardiff University and an alumnus of the United World Colleges Scholarship at Dulwich College in the U.K. After experiencing the brain drain from Poland, Michael founded Our Future Foundation, an N.G.O. aimed at supporting long-term development of the region by enriching its human capital and promoting transatlantic cooperation.

Ms. Diana Moldoveanu is a master’s student in contemporary philosophy at the University of Lille. She holds an M.A. in philosophy, politics, and economics from the Institute of Political Studies in Lille, France and a B.A. in international relations and European studies from Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Her research interests include phenomenology, metaphysics, cinema, art, and theology.

Mr. Quentin Nourissier is a graduate of HEC-Paris and Sciences Po Paris. He has spent the last several years working in strategy consulting for various firms and he participated in the launch of a solar kit distribution network in Ivory Coast. He is currently working as an independent consultant.

Ms. Zsófia Rácz is the deputy state secretary for youth affairs in the Hungarian government. From 2017 to 2018, she was appointed as a youth delegate from Hungary to the United Nations. In 2019, she was a visiting research fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis in Washington, D.C., where she worked in the areas of energy security and energy policy with a special focus on Eastern Europe.

Ms. Mariah Rossi is a master’s student in economic policy in global markets at Central European University. She graduated cum laude from The George Washington University with a B.A. in history and minor in economics. Most recently, Mariah received the Rotary Global Grant Scholarship and is leading a career services project in Hungary called Career Connect.

Mr. Lénárd Sándor is a policy advisor at the European Parliament and a researcher at the American Institute of the National University of Public Service. A doctoral candidate at Pázmány Péter Catholic University, he previously worked for the Office of the Attorney General as a magistrate and for the Constitutional Court of Hungary as a chief counselor.

Ms. Dóra Szűcs serves as the international director of Mathias Corvinus Collegium, one of the largest educational institutions and knowledge centers in Central Europe, where she oversees international strategy and contributes to the strengthening of the institution’s engagement with key international partners. She has studied and worked in Budapest, Paris, London, Washington D.C., and across South-East Asia.

Mr. Márton Zsuráfszky is a master’s student in public policy and public management at Corvinus University of Budapest, from which he earned a B.A. in international relations in 2020. He has worked at Pericles Technologies, an Oxford-based start-up, and at Youth Business Group, and was recently accepted to the Hungarian Public Administration Scholarship Program.